COVID-19 Policy
At Carter Family Dentistry, the health and safety of our patients and staff has always been our utmost priority. We are so thankful to be open again, but need to ask for your help in maintaining safe and healthy practices. With that being said, we are asking that PRIOR to your scheduled appointment please review these questions. If you answer yes to any of them or have concerns, please contact the front office ASAP to discuss further:
Do you have a fever, or have you felt feverish lately?
Are you having difficulty breathing or shortness of breath?
Do you have chills or repeated shaking with chills?
Do you have any muscle pain?
Do you have any recent onset headaches or sore throat?
Do you have any flu-like symptoms?
Do you have any recent loss of taste or smell?
Have you experienced any recent GI upset or diarrhea?
Are you in contact with anyone who has been confirmed to be COVID-19 Positive?
Have you traveled in the past 14 days to any regions affected by COVID-19?
Have you been tested for COVID-19? If yes, what was the result?
Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19? If yes, when?
As mandated by the State, we are also asking that all patients, and/or visitors of the office please wear face masks while entering the building and in the lobby until otherwise instructed by our staff. Thank you so much for doing your part and choosing us to be your dental office.